A Must-Do Hike In Romania

I wouldnt say I am an expert hiker, but we have done our fair share of hikes in multiple countries across the world and this hike was SO different than any other hike we have experienced – I would never see a hike like this in Canada. Steep cliffs, wet conditions, rusted chains all made for a journey that ultimately led to some insane views. The best part (besides the views?) – theres a Gondola to take you back down.

The Hike: Busteni – Cabana Caraiman – Caraiman Peak (can be found on all trails)
Distance: 12.9 km (out and back)
Time: 6 – 8 hours, or 3 – 4 hours to reach the top.
Elevation: approx. 1500m

We started the hike from the village (called Busteni) at the bottom of the hike which is a cute little town nestled in the mountains. We were able to find parking for a small cost, and made our way up to the trail head.

The hike started with a thick forest, with mountains peaking through every now and again, and was a steep incline all the way to the top. We didnt see many people at all, but most people took different routes up (or the gondola) to explore the top.

The fall colours made this part of the hike absolutely insane. Every now and again you will come across some STEEP cliff sections with some metal chains that you cling on to in order to cross the rocky parts. This hike is not for the faint hearted!

As you get closer to the top the mountains start to reveal themselves and the trees start to thin out, giving you some beautiful views from above the treeline. You can look up to see some insane cliffs, or look down to see the forested valley you just climbed.

We did the hike on a day with a ton of overcast so besides the colourful trees beside us, we couldn’t see much. I am not joking when all of us were in AWE when for 10 minutes near the mountain top, the fog started to clear and gave us some spectacular views all around us.

This hike is pretty steep, so your legs will 100% be burning the entire way up.

Once we got to the top we were greeted by a bunch of other hikers that were at the end view point. There is a building and a stand-alone makeshift washroom around the corner. We stopped for a well-deserved lunch that we brought with us and watched the clouds shift over the mountains we were surrounded by.

The final viewpoint of this hike is a cross structure which stands on the edge of a cliff overlooking the steep valley below with a beautiful view of the area. The clouds passing by added to the dramatic effect!

After eating, we followed the signs to the gondola which was another 30 minute – 1 hour walk. This part is less exciting, but the though of taking the gondola down was motivating enough.

The sun started to shine again as we made our way back to get down. The main top area (where you take the gondola) has a small cafe, a souvenir shop, some interesting bathrooms (squatting required), and tons of walking trails to explore the vast area at the top.

Overall, this hike was SUCH an experience and doing it in the fall time-frame (we did it in mid-October) made this hike one million times better (even though without the fall colours it still would have been an epic hike).

Make sure you wear appropriate non-slip footwear and pack some layers depending on the weather. Bring snacks and water as the steep incline does not discriminate! This hike could be considered as dangerous due to the trail condition (metal rope chains to cross very steep inclines, lots of drop-offs), so keep in mind it is probably not for beginners or young ones. That said, if you are extra cautious and looking for some adventure, this is a great hike to see what Romania has to offer!

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